Our readers' hands-on spirit is reflected in the magazine's comprehensive gear tests and personal adventure stories. Whether shopping for a new rifle or thirsting for exciting adventure tales, Outdoor Life is the ultimate resource.
Outdoor Life
I Edited Outdoor Life’s Wildest Close Calls • “This Happened to Me” finally gets the space it deserves
I Butchered a Deer in My Apartment and the Cops Came • Sometimes—under some circumstances—hunting is hard to explain
We Got in a Full-Blown Feud With a Rival Fishing Lodge • With high-paying guests, huge rainbows, and even bigger egos on the line, a feud between fishing guides gives way to a sting by the Alaska State Troopers
I Found Human Remains While Rabbit Hunting • A dove and jackrabbit hunt in the desert outside Los Angeles resulted in an unsettling discovery and a puzzling response from law enforcement
I Should Have Died in a Floatplane Crash • After a DIY moose hunt in western Alaska, two hunters and their pilot smash into the tundra during takeoff
The Police Raided My Deer Hunt • Two urban bowhunters are just minding their own business when a police officer storms into the woods, rifle raised and barking orders
The Dust Bowl Jackrabbit Drives Were the Darkest Days of Small-Game Hunting in America • When biblical jackrabbit plagues swarmed the drought-ravaged High Plains in the early 20th century, farmers rallied with clubs and baseball bats
I Fended Off a Grizzly With an Ice Axe • When a pissed-off brown bear interrupted a backcountry mountain goat hunt, the hunters fought back with everything they had
How a Riding Accident Helped Turn Me Into a Hunter • One wild drainage in Wyoming’s Bighorn Mountains keeps throwing life lessons at a new hunter
I Flew a Plane With Zero Training • After a trip to the family farm for deer season, a broke hunter hitches his way home