The WellBeing Special Reports are separate in-depth articles presented from the natural perspective, discussing options for a healthier lifestyle with advice and information on a different topic each issue. The upcoming issues will present topics on Ageing Well; investigating the best ways to monitor our own mental and physical wellbeing, Back to Basics; case studies from our Naturopath, Beauty; regaining inner health and outer beauty. As well as, Belly Bacteria; its importance in determining wellness and risk of disease, De-Stress for Success; powerful new ways to de-stress your life, and Spirited Sex; protecting your reproductive system and ensuring sexual satisfaction.
Restoring Your Gut Health • Your belly bacteria may be even more important than your DNA in determining your wellness and risk of disease and may influence everything from your weight and levels of anxiety to which genes are switched on and off in your body.
Superfoods for beneficial bacteria
Probiotic power
Bacteria transplant • We hope you enjoyed our WellBeing Special Report. Here are some other Special Reports we think you might like