Classic Dirt Bike magazine: is about the bikes and personalities of the sport, covering pre-65 machines, classic and twin shocks, trials as well as scrambling/motocross and enduros. There are reader rebuilds from the UK/Europe and North America, event coverage, personality interviews/profiles, letters, products and so much more.
Satisfaction guaranteed • It seems as though every aspect of life these days comes with a ‘satisfaction’ survey after it
DIRT NEWS • Want to tell us about a forthcoming event, or have any other dirt bike news to share? Email or track down the editor at a dirt bike show or event.
Rocket power • Because BSA had the iconic Gold Star single as its flagship MXer in the Fifties, the company’s twin range was overlooked as far as scrambling was concerned.
Flashback! Classic Cappra • It’s never easy to impress Arthur Browning, but Montesa’s 250 Cappra VR managed the feat
Patient development • A slightly different approach to the archive piece in this issue as looking for information on BSA’s 250cc trials bikes brought up a fascinating tale of development
Bigging up • Whilst opinion differs on what makes the ideal trials bike, the only thing which can be said for certain is that one doesn’t exist
Liquid assets • Water-cooling… Vital for performance or unnecessary complication?… Discuss
Some tidying up • Fettling things in the workshop isn’t always about the big jobs, sometimes the small tasks need attention, too.
Lights! Camera! Action! • Some sporting action from the past couple of months… enjoy!
Taking a stand • All sorts of things grate on the nerves… here are a couple of our man JD’s pet hates
Name Changer • Tweaking a product name to make something more acceptable to a particular market isn’t a new thing, nor is it restricted to chocolate bars…
DIRT TALK • A letters page is an interesting thing. What will readers write? What do they say? Read it here.
Classic Dirt Bike
Some variety • One of the best bits about the classic scene is the variety of motorcycles in it and almost any model can be pressed into service.