As many as 90% of women over age 40 are struggling with the symptoms of a sluggish liver—yet most don’t even know it! The problem? Too often, the fatigue, weight gain, brain fog and more are written off as a part of aging. Plus, everything from food to medications and your environment can have a big impact of the gland’s function. To the rescue: This new 99-page special from the publishers of Woman’s World and First for Women. It will help uncover what’s dragging down your liver plus provides the simple natural remedies, advice from top docs and liver-healing recipes that will restore your health!
IT’S YOUR TIME TO SHINE! • Feeling blah, struggling with low energy and fighting extra pounds that won’t budge no matter what? Healing your liver could just be your ticket to health! Inside these pages, you’ll find all the tools you need to reverse damage and restore this vital organ. That includes easy natural remedies, good-for-you recipes and stories from women like you who found the liver-healing solution that changed everything. Find your own path to feeling better than ever—just turn the page to get started!
HEALTHY LIVER = HEALTHY YOU! • Here’s what you need to know about this vital organ, how it impacts your total well-being and the silent epidemic affecting more and more women over age 40, plus the first steps toward restoring your health
ALERT! Sluggish liver linked to thyroid slowdown
Are you taking heartburn meds?
NEWS! The zero-calorie sweetener that heals the liver
IS YOUR LIVER OUT OF WHACK? • Everyone feels like their health is dragging now and again, but how do you know when it’s more than everyday blahs and could actually signal that your liver needs help? Just use this handy checklist to reveal the telling signs and read on for the first steps toward detoxing your liver for transformative results!
WALKING DISCOVERY BOOSTS YOUR LIVER • Research is growing on the incredible benefits of interval walking. Here, why it’s one of the best ways to heal your liver and increase metabolism—plus, no-sweat strategies to make it even easier
GET MORE FROM YOUR WALKS • “You don’t have to exert yourself like a maniac,” promises Jamé Heskett, M.D., author of The Well Path. Instead, simply intersperse moderate-paced strolls with a few short bursts of high-intensity activity. And incorporate the following circulation-boosting techniques for even faster slimming
EXTRA-EASY SECRETS TO FEEL GREAT EVERY DAY! • Discover the powerful little ways to boost your well-being while detoxing your liver—and keep feeling your best after you’ve healed!
“WHAT I WISH I’D KNOWN” • Real women share the advice that will help you heal your liver and restore your vitality—fast!
OVERCOMING COMMON LIVER SAPPERS • As many as 90% of women over 40 are struggling with the troublesome symptoms of a sluggish liver—yet all too often, the fatigue, weight gain and brain fog are written off as just a natural part of aging. What’s more, everything from food to medications to your environment can have a big impact on the gland’s function. The good news? Once you uncover what’s dragging down your liver, you can take steps to revitalize it and cure your symptoms. Read on to learn more about common liver sappers and the simple strategies that will restore your health!
GLYPHOSATE • University of California researchers identify the sneaky food additive that is causing liver slowdowns for 80% of women over 45. Luckily, the healing solution is fast—and easy
Is a surprise everyday toxin sapping your health? • If you’re always tired and have two or more of the symptoms below, exposure to glypho-sate, a chemical that’s linked to fatty liver may be to blame.
SMOOTHIE ADD-INS THAT HEAL • Glyphosate—a chemical in Roundup, the weed...