Living well and staying fit is so much more than hitting the gym or seeing how many reps you can get in at once. This special edition of Health, Body 360: A Fitness Guide, explores the 360 approach to fitness and holistic well-being, including nurturing the four pillars of health, the impact of group workouts, the obsession with tracking technology and how to get around it, emerging workouts, how to hydrate and fuel your metabolism, fitness foods to get you in shape, and workouts that can be done anywhere, anytime.
360 DEGREES OF FITNESS • It’s not as simple as just breaking a sweat at the gym or getting in enough reps. Full-body fitness is about nourishing our bodies and minds, inside and out—and having fun.
FITNESS FOUNDATIONS OPENER • The building blocks of all-around wellness, inside and out
THE FOUR PILLARS OF HEALTH • The secret to feeling good is straightforward: Focus on a few essential elements, and you’re on your way to true wellness.
FAT FACTS, MUSCLE MYTHS • Despite misconceptions, fat isn’t all bad, and sometimes building muscle is not the most important goal when trying to stay fit. Here, the truth and rumors about both.
IN IT TOGETHER • A growing movement of group workouts—in person and virtually—has made fitness a social activity. That can fuel accountability and goal-setting.
GOING THE DISTANCE • Just 10 more seconds, five more reps, one more benchmark. We have a tendency to keep pushing until we can push no more. How do you boost your workout and identify your limits?
GET YOUR HEAD IN THE GAME • Being mindful while exercising comes with big benefits. Here, five smart ways to boost your brain-body connection.
THE TRACKING OBSESSION • With smartwatches, apps, and online communities, it’s never been easier to keep track of your fitness habits, steps, and even sleep. How did we get so obsessed with tracking?
THE RECOVERY ZONE • A handful of simple post-workout strategies can help transform your energy—and your body.
AT-HOME WORKOUTS OPENER • Getting fit and staying fit, wherever you are
THE RIGHT WAY TO WARM UP • These pre-workout moves will ensure you crush your next training session.
MINI-BAND MAGIC • Let this routine ramp up your total-body strength—in just 15 minutes.
THE KETTLEBELL • These six moves will boost your strength and tone you all over.
THE BEGINNER’S GUIDE TO RUNNING • Once you start moving (even if you’re running one block at a time!), it becomes a habit—one you won’t just learn to like but might actually start to crave.
WORKING OUT FOR THE MODERN AGE • Peloton and Mirror are just a few of the newest, most popular fitness trends to pop on the scene. What separates these movements from classic standbys?
I STOPPED EXERCISING AS A WAY TO LOSE WEIGHT • The secret to this writer’s happiness was changing the reason she works out.
WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT WEIGHT LIFTING • Can barbell work really make a difference in your body? Believe it. Our pros weigh in on everything you need to know.
FUELING FITNESS OPENER • What to eat to get the most out of your workout
THE SCOOP ON PROTEIN • How much do you need? When should you eat it? It’s not easy to sort through the mixed messages about this nutrition staple. So we asked experts for the dos and don’ts.
THE LOWDOWN ON CARBS • They have a bad rap—but the reality is more nuanced. Here, experts clear up a few common misconceptions.
WHAT ARE PRE-WORKOUT SUPPLEMENTS? • They claim to boost your energy and performance, but are they safe?
REVVING YOUR ENGINE • Slow? Fast? Important? Irrelevant? We break down the facts on the ultimate weight-loss buzzword: metabolism.
HYDRATION AND EXERCISE: HOW TO GET IT RIGHT • How much to drink, when to drink,...