In The Lettering Workshops, you'll learn all about the art and practice of drawing letters using hands-on techniques in 30 lessons across five workshops. Whether you're a beginner or a professional graphic designer, you'll quickly learn how to develop and advance your lettering skills.
In this richly illustrated book of lessons and exercises, you'll find:
What Is LetteringWhy This Book?First LessonLettering, Calligraphy, or Typography?Basics and Technical VocabularyWORKSHOP 1: DISCOVERING BRUSH LETTERING
Exercise 1: Finding the Right PositionExercise 2: Setting Up a GridExercise 3: Carrying Out the First MotionsExercise 4: Drawing the LettersExercise 5: Connecting the LettersExercise 6: Reworking Your DraftsAnalysis of Lettering SamplesGalleryWORKSHOP 2: INTRODUCTION TO SCRIPT LETTERING
Exercise 1: Discovering the Skeleton TechniqueExercise 2: Drawing an AlphabetExercise 3: Drawing a Complete WordExercise 4: Lettering in a Classic ScriptExercise 5: Leaving Your Comfort Zone!Analysis of Lettering SamplesGalleryWORKSHOP 3: USING TYPOGRAPHIC CHARACTERS
Exercise 1: Embellishing a LetterExercise 2: Practicing on a Complete WordExercise 3: Going Further with Vintage StyleExercise 4: Discovering InterlockExercise 5: Practicing Interlock with SerifsExercise 6: Producing a Complete Interlock Lettering ProjectAnalysis of Lettering SamplesGalleryWORKSHOP 4: THE SECRETS OF GOOD COMPOSITION
Exercise 1: Thinking in Terms of the BlockExercise 2: Completing the First SketchesExercise 3: Choosing the Styles for Each WordExercise 4: Drawing the SkeletonExercise 5: Developing and Finalizing Your PathAnalysis of Lettering SamplesGalleryWORKSHOP 5: DIGITIZATION AND VECTORIZATION
Exercise 1: Digitizing and Preparing Your LetteringExercise 2: First Steps in VectorizationExercise 3: Testing the Vertex TheoryExercise 4: Vectorizing the Entire Lettering ProjectExercise 5: Critiquing Your Vectorized Lettering ProjectExercise 6: Preparing Your Lettering Project without VectorizationExercise 7: Isolating the LetteringExercise 8: Adding Texture to the Lettering ProjectExercise 9: Finalizing the CompositionGalleryArtists Represented in this BookResources