Few artists are truly deserving of the title 'legend', but Sir Paul McCartney is one such person. This special edition celebrates Macca's incredible carreer, spanning over six decades.
Music Icons: Paul McCartney
Chapter 1 EARLY DAYS
MOTHER NATURE’S SON • How did a kid from suburban Merseyside become the world’s greatest songwriter? From Sir Paul’s birth to the beginning of The Beatles, here’s how it happened
BEAT THIS • Some bands are big. Some bands are huge – but The Beatles were the biggest thing that’s ever happened to popular music. Here’s how Paul McCartney and the Fab Four took over the world
McCARTNEY’S MASTERSTROKES • With an early career full of dizzying highs, we pick some of Macca’s greatest artistic moments from his Beatles’ era…
STRUM TOGETHER • Sir Paul is a singer, a songwriter, an activist and an icon – but also a master musician. Let’s salute his guitar-slinging skills…
IN HIS OWN WORDS… • We celebrate of the work of Sir Paul McCartney, the most famous electric bass player of them all, with a classic Macca interview by the great Tony Bacon
TAKING FLIGHT • What Paul did next: we salute Macca’s 20th-century work as a solo artist and with Wings
McCARTNEY’S MASTERSTROKES • Yesterday no more – let’s take a look at some of the many highlights of Macca’s post-Beatles career and personal life…
COME TOGETHER • Even a knight of the realm needs a network – so let’s say hello to the important people in Macca’s life
WE ALL WANT TO CHANGE THE WORLD • From animal rights to peace in the Middle East, Sir Paul McCartney supports a long list of causes
LISTEN TO WHAT THE MAN SAID • What’s Sir Paul McCartney’s legacy? Much more than just the sound of Oasis, that’s for sure…
THE LONG AND WINDING ROAD • What’s been occupying Sir Paul since the year 2000? A heck of a lot, it turns out – he’s still a man on the run
THE STORY OF PAUL McCARTNEY • Celebrating Macca’s legendary career spanning over six decades