Bringing you all the very best content from Fit & Well. Discover everything you need to know for a happier, healthier you from the best time-saving workouts and healthy recipes to fool-proof health and beauty tips and expert advice on your wellbeing. Find out how to make the most of your time when getting fit, and learn the secret to losing and keeping the weight off for good. Take our happiness test, conduct a health MOT on your body and use mindfulness to de-stress. Plus much more!
The Fit&Well Annual
Lose weight the NORDIC WAY! • Move over Med diet, the Nordic plan is the new way to lose weight
TOO MUCH of a good thing? • Healthy eating should always be encouraged, but can you ever go overboard on the healthy
Keep the weight off… FOREVER! • It’s easy to think that shedding pounds means job done. But then comes the REAL challenge: maintenance. Here’s how you can lose weight and keep it off – for good!
THE VITAMIN D FAT BURN DIET • Vitamin D isn’t just a major mood booster, it also plays a part in weight loss. Not sure you’re getting enough? Nutritionist Rob Hobson shares his exclusive diet plan…
ARE YOU GETTING THE RIGHT Omegas? • Do you want better sleep, a healthy heart and less bloating? Course you do! It’s time to get your omegas in check…
The health-boosting SUNDAY ROAST • Create a nutritious spin on your comforting winter favourite
Brain-boosting brekkie! • This breakfast could make you smarter. Dr Helen Bond explains how…
SHOULD WE STOP COUNTING calories? • A laborious day-to-day process or a controlled way of eating? The experts thrash it out
HOW FIT ARE YOU REALLY? • Try our test to get a clear picture of your fitness – and if you’re not in great shape, find out how to boost it…
Trim and tone Fast • Look longer and leaner with our 15-minute Pilates workout
THE 30-DAY FAT BURN! • You’ll get slim and trim in just one month with this heart-pumping workout…
What do I do with …an Ab Roller? • This simple piece of kit could be the secret to a flatter tum and stronger core…
Fighting fit food • Summer cold? Get better by resting and feeding it with the right nutrients to boost your immune system
Drop it like a SQUAT! • Get leaner legs and a toned tum and bum in just 30 days with the killer leg move…
20-minutes on the Cross trainer • You don’t need long to break a sweat, burn calories and tone up. Say hey to the gym’s most awkward-looking machine…
Post-workout brekkie • This healthy pre-prepared breakfast will get your day off to a good start
Fighting FIT! • Box yourself slim with our easy half-an-hour workout plans…
Have you tried FACE YOGA? • Natalia Lubomirski tries to turn back the clock with this new craze
What do I do with … A foam roller? • Seriously, how beneficial can one of these foam, funnel things be?
Feed your muscles! • This light meal is the perfect way to refuel post-workout, with just the right balance of protein for repair and carbs to replenish energy stores
Ready, SWIM, slim! • Power up your pool routine with Olympian Penelope Marshall’s 30-minute swimming workout
The 20-minute Bike Burn • Forget pedalling away endlessly, make the most of that exercise bike with our fast, effective workout…
10 STEPS TO 10k STEPS • Smart ways to reach your recommended daily step count
What do I do with … A Resistance Band? • Want to tone up without leaving the house? Grab a band, things are about to get painful!
STEP TO IT! • Get faster, stronger and slimmer in just 30 minutes with this souped-up speed-walking workout from celebrity trainer Chris...